Working Towards a Brighter Future
Your support is vital to our work at Echoess of Africa. There are many ways you can contribute towards our activities, and every little bit that you commit goes a long way in helping us fulfill our mission. Learn more about how you can get involved by exploring the opportunities below.

Do you want to give back to the community by tutoring? Or help us set up for events we host? Feel free to sign up to kep up with upcoming events and contact us!

We acknowledge that you might have your hands full and may not be able to volunteer. We would appreciate you helping us reach our goals to educate the children in Africa by donating us. Every Penny Counts!
Here are some of the events for you to participate while also helping us with fundraiser or donating. We host Annual Ball Fundraisers, 5K run fundraisers, and donation events for our homeless population. Bring you friends and family and enjoy with us!
- Multiple Dates

Donate to educate a child
We hold scholarships and own a non-profit school in Nigeria. We would like your help to fulfill the dream of a child to study and create a life of their own as an adult.
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